Operational Notes for all pages:
All Date/Times in these pages use this format (in local time) :YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. However, if a time is entered as hhmmww or hh.mm.ss it will be accepted using todays date to convert. Zero is accepted if used to cancel a time.
Once a section is Locked (blue background) amendments are not possible until unlocked. This is important when gradually adding to start data.
Amending an existing entry (in an unlocked Start/Race is only possible if you enter your login password above the AMEND button.
Many Headers and sections have hyperlinks for help, related pages & results pages, so check by hovering to see hidden links.
Scorer pages for an event consist of the following: Scroll down to find particlar page ...
Home Page:
Shows all the Races in the event with a Summary of current totals and status at the top
Under each Race sub header are the Planned Start Time, Start/Class number, Cutoff time and Status of each class/start.
A Race must have starts made for all participating Classes before any Finishes can be recorded. When a start is made it will also make all the blank finishes for all eligible Entries in that class, but if an Entry is added after a start has been made then it will require a new finish to be made in the Finish page.
Start Times are LOCAL based upon the Event default setting.
To delete a start first save a Gate value of 999, then delete button will appear.
Buttons on the scorer home page allow access to scorer pages. Items such as Event setup must be done by the Race admin on a seperate page.
The 2 Blue buttons on each Race Sub header are:
RACE # - takes you to the FINISHES for that Race, &
Starts List which takes you to the starts page.
- STARTS Page:
- Defaults to show ALL the Class Starts in a Race. To make editing a prticulat start you can select that Class/Start number at the top, or ALL to show whole race start sequence chronalogically.
- To go to the results page for this race/start click on the Race # at the top.x
- Each field is locaked seperately using the red buttons under the starfields.. field will turn blue background when that field is locked - this prevents you from accidentally altering start times when updating entries that Came or Started.
You can in the event with a Summary of current totals and status at the top
Under each Race sub header are the Planned Start Time, Start/Class number, Cutoff time and Status of each class/start.
A Race must have starts made for all participating Classes before any Finishes can be recorded. When a start is made it will also make all the blank finishes for all eligible Entries in that class, but if an Entry is added after a start has been made then it will require a new finish to be made in the Finish page.
Start Times are LOCAL based upon the Event default setting.
To delete a start first save a Gate value of 999, then delete button will appear.
Buttons on the scorer home page allow access to scorer pages. Items such as Event setup must be done by the Race admin on a seperate page.
The 2 Blue buttons on each Race Sub header are:
RACE # - takes you to the FINISHES for that Race, &
Starts List which takes you to the starts page.
Shows all the Races in the event with a Summary of current totals and status at the top
Under each Race sub header are the Planned Start Time, Start/Class number, Cutoff time and Status of each class/start.
A Race must have starts made for all participating Classes before any Finishes can be recorded. When a start is made it will also make all the blank finishes for all eligible Entries in that class, but if an Entry is added after a start has been made then it will require a new finish to be made in the Finish page.
Start Times are LOCAL based upon the Event default setting.
To delete a start first save a Gate value of 999, then delete button will appear.
Buttons on the scorer home page allow access to scorer pages. Items such as Event setup must be done by the Race admin on a seperate page.
The 2 Blue buttons on each Race Sub header are:
RACE # - takes you to the FINISHES for that Race, &
Starts List which takes you to the starts page.
Shows all the Races in the event with a Summary of current totals and status at the top
Under each Race sub header are the Planned Start Time, Start/Class number, Cutoff time and Status of each class/start.
A Race must have starts made for all participating Classes before any Finishes can be recorded. When a start is made it will also make all the blank finishes for all eligible Entries in that class, but if an Entry is added after a start has been made then it will require a new finish to be made in the Finish page.
Start Times are LOCAL based upon the Event default setting.
To delete a start first save a Gate value of 999, then delete button will appear.
Buttons on the scorer home page allow access to scorer pages. Items such as Event setup must be done by the Race admin on a seperate page.
The 2 Blue buttons on each Race Sub header are:
RACE # - takes you to the FINISHES for that Race, &
Starts List which takes you to the starts page.
Entries Page: Shows all Entries in the Event so you can enter / amend Entry data. Get here using the Entries<span class=" bgOars0 text-light"> Starts List </span> button on the Home screen
One the HULL number is saved it cannot be changed as this is the reference used for even boat name can be changed here and will be utilised from the next start onwards - past results will not be modified with any updatesThis allows for PY ratings, change of skipper etc.
Starts Page: Shows all Starts in a Race... this is usually the list of Classes racing. If any classes start at the same time they will show the same start time.
Start Time, like all date times in these pages, is shown as YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. .
Finishes Page: Shows all ENTRIES in a Race grouped by Class/Start...Within the Class they are ordered by their current overall Ranking.
If a Class/Start is locked you cannot amend the finish data
If a finish has not already automatically been made when the Class Start was set up (e.g. a new entry has been added to that Class) then it will display a MAKE button - you must first make a blank finish in order to enter finish data for that entry.
Event Page: WIP - use PC form for now.
Results Display:
WIP ---------------------