Scorer Pages .... are to allow 1 or more scorers to use a phone or tablet to enter starts, gate times and finishes for a race at multiple locations simultaniously.
Each location must have a stable internet connection. (Later versions of this app will include a buffer so that times can be stored then downloaded later when an internet connection is reestablished.)
Events have Event Parameters, Entries & Races.
Entries are divided into Classes, each of which will have a Start for a Race.
Therefore a Race can have multiple Class/Starts, although these could all be at the same time if all started together.
This allows a Class result for each Race
Results are shown on pages which can be customised to fit into event websites.
Operational Notes:
All Date/Times in these pages use this format (in local time) :YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. However, if a time is entered as hhmmww or it will be accepted using todays date to convert. Zero is accepted if used to cancel a time.
Once Locked amendments are not possible until unlocked.
Amending an existing entry (in an unlocked Start/Race is only possible if you enter your login password above the AMEND button.
Buttons & Colours
Each page uses basic colour scheme to aid in seeing which entrants have finished
: Shows all Entries in the Event so you can enter / amend Entry data. Get here using the Entries<span class=" bgOars0 text-light"> Starts List </span> button on the Home screen
One the HULL number is saved it cannot be changed as this is the reference used for even boat name can be changed here and will be utilised from the next start onwards - past results will not be modified with any updatesThis allows for PY ratings, change of skipper etc.